Meet Dr. Vincent Wong

Hey! I’m Dr. Vincent. It sounds so formal, so when you’re here at the office you can just call me Vincent, Vince, Vinny.
A little about me - I was born in Manhattan, NYC and how I got my name is a funny story in itself. As a second generation Asian American my parents did not know or speak any English when they first immigrated to NYC in 1981 (the year I was born). When the nurses delivered me they asked my parents for a name, they looked at each other and looked around, not knowing anything about names, and finally my parents just pointed to the name of the hospital and luckily it was St. Vincent’s Hospital and that’s the story of how I got my name!
Fast forward a few years: I graduated NYU Dental School in 2007. Met my future wife, Dr. Michele at Montefiore Medical Center - General Practice Residency in 2008. Practiced as a General dentist for 4 years, before Dr. Michele had an epiphany to treat kids. And that’s how I ended up flying across the country to Roseman University in Las Vegas for orthodontic residency, finishing in 2015.
Fast forward a few more years: I am loving being an orthodontist in NJ, a dad of two young toddlers, a husband to an amazing wife and mom (who also happens to be the pediatric dentist, Dr Michele!) that I get to work alongside to provide specialty pediatric and orthodontic care for kids of all ages at our own office SmileKidz!